Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One more thing...

On Saturday after we got home from our shopping adventure, Dave said let's see if there is some cultural event we can go to tonight or tomorrow night.  So I started searching on the internet and found a classical guitarist, Esther Steenburgen, that was going to be playing at the Concertgebouw (Concert Hall) that night.  So we bought tickets and went.  The theater itself is magnificent and the concert was very good.  We enjoyed the first half best - the second half she brought in a clarinet player that just didn't seem to compliment her that well.  Plus Dave said he was out of tune, I just thought his playing didn't fit!  The first half she played by memory and the second half she read music and that was another reason I liked the first half better.  I felt she was feeling her music better when she didn't have to be concerned with reading the music.  Anyway, it was a very enjoyable evening and we are planning on going back to hear other concerts there.  We were also told that you can go on Wednesday afternoons for free concerts which are basically "dress rehearsals."  So that's something else we plan on doing.  Attached is a photo of Kleine Zaal which is the hall we were in.  We also had fantastic seats - fourth row!

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