Goedemorgen Mijn Vriends!
Yesterday morning I just began writing about what I have seen the past two days looking out on the street. It is so very interesting to me and of course my descriptions will not quite capture what I saw but I will try my best. Photos will come soon. The activity – service trucks delivering goods to the stores, Trams 5 and 24 going by every five minutes or so transporting people to school or work – there is a neverending trail of bicycles with young and old headed for work. Then there are the mothers and fathers transporting their children to school or nursery on the front, middle or back of the bicycle. They learn at a very young age how to hold on! And then there are the lucky children that their parent has purchased this wonderful “kangaroo” wooden box that is attached on the front of the bicycle that can hold up to three small children and on cold mornings they are bundled with a blanket. Directly across from our apartment is a street and down that street is the British Elementary School so there are also many parents walking children to school. Later in the morning when most are at work or school then you will see the older generation venturing out to do their daily shopping.
I must say there is NO shortage of beautiful people here. The girls and women look like models walking or riding down the street and I’m not talking about what they are wearing. Everyone dresses as they please without thinking what someone may think – they may simply be in a pair of jeans and sweater but their skin is glowing, hair is shining and eyes are so clear and bright. Most young girls have long hair that is either blonde, light brunette and there are a few natural redheads. The older women seem to be the only ones that have decided to go for a shorter style. I won’t say much but the young and old men are not difficult to look at either!
As I said regarding dress, it seems whatever style you like, it is acceptable. Rarely skimpy but it is cold now and most are dressed for the weather so I will let you know if that changes in the warmer weather. Jeans or jean shorts with leggings underneath, skirts with leggings or tights – boots, tennis shoes, Uggs, heels – it’s all here and most have a jacket or coat and scarf. I have not seen a lot of hats yet but that may change as the weather gets colder. Everyone tends to wear natural or darker colors – very little bright color.
A little on the chunky side – extremely rare! Even though the traditional Dutch meal is usually centered around potatoes with some type of stewed meat or large meatball (similar to meatloaf) with gravy, the people are active everyday so all I can say to the Americans is – get moving! And it does not have to be at the gym! I will say there is just about every ethnic food here and I don’t think the younger generation eats traditional Dutch meals other than when they go home to mom’s or grandma’s!
Back to the beautiful people – this is probably my first realization – when we first arrived here we were riding in the car and next to us on a scooter, a beautiful, young girl with blonde hair flowing from her helmet pulled up. She was dressed in a skirt with tights and she had on a pair of the very high platform heels just sitting at the light looking at her iPod searching for the next song she was going to listen to. Then off she went. I wish I had taken her photo.
Dave and I have been informed that we live in a “very nice” part of Amsterdam. And I was told yesterday by a shop owner that we live in “Old South Amsterdam.” I knew this was a nice neighborhood but didn’t realize the scale until I have been told by several locals. Because of that we have marvelous shops on our street – a cheese shop directly below us, a Coffee Company (Dutch version of Starbucks) a couple doors down, a bakery, a pastry shop, a fish shop and grocery just steps away and across the street a wine shop. Also, there is a sandwich shop next to the Coffee Company that is supposed to be the best in town. We haven’t tried it yet but as soon as we do, we will let you know. They also have a market next door that sells fresh sausage, pates and salads. Around 3 or 4 in the afternoon the Coffee Company and the surrounding area is buzzing with teens just out of school. They get a coffee or sandwich and spend time just enjoying each other’s company. I found that I can purchase quite a bit of organic food at the regular grocery nearby but I also found a natural food market a few blocks away with about a 15 minute walk for items I cannot find in the grocery. You can see that food tends to be my delight. There are several upscale clothing shops also but way out of my budget and locals all tell me to buy clothes in the states, not here.
Today is a new day and Dave just informed me that we are going to take a long walk towards the center of town and explore. It should be a good day. Tomorrow there is an Expo for expats that we are hoping to attend.
Hugs to all mijn vriends!
P.S. We are still on an aircard and as soon as internet is available will post photos.
Tami, I'm glad you are blogging your experiences and observations, and that you and Dave have this wonderful opportunity. Enjoy your good day!
ReplyDeleteI am loving reading your blogs. Wishing I was there to share a cup of coffee and people watch with you!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are having a great time, we actually had 1/4" of rain. Irene says hi too!
Just loving these! Keep up the amazing writing- it will be interesting to hear about the people and the culture as well as how everything looks- you are an excellent storyteller!